The Pacific Corinthian Youth Foundation is a non-profit organization that sponsors and instructs youth sailing in Channel Islands Harbor. The Foundation was started in 1992 by members of the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club and uses part of the PCYC grounds and guest docks to run the programs. We want your children to learn to sail and have a great time while they do it. Learning basic sailing skills is supplemented with fun activities such as sailing to the park, having picnics, going on treasure hunts, sailing on bigger boats, playing sponge tag and making sails.
The Foundation serves all of Channel Islands Harbor and its surrounding communities. The Foundation’s Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club, Channel Islands Yacht Club, Channel Islands Women's Sailing Association, with support from Anacapa Yacht Club, which hosts Thursday night races and postrace barbecues. The PCYF program is supported by grants from the California Department of Boating and Waterways as well as private donations and course enrollment fees.
PCYF uses and maintains a large fleet of Sabots, Optis, Lasers, and FJ's